The Construction Training Fund has announced an increase in wage support for Bricklaying apprentices. The program will increase a bricklaying apprentice’s wage support to employers from $17,000 to $21,000.
ABBTF (Australian Brick and Blocklaying Training Foundation) has worked with CTF (Construction Training Fund) and the WA State Government to address a current decline in apprentice numbers across the state.
The boys learning through working at an ABBTF Try-a-Trade at Armadale Trade Training Centre, WA earlier this year
ABBTF is making a $3,000 contribution to each employer who hires an apprentice, CTF contributes $14,000 per apprentice and the State Government contributes the remaining $4,000 to total $21,000.
On top of the incentives currently in place, an additional $2,000 will be offered to employers who take on female apprentices. Employers who also take on a mature age ($2,000) or indigenous ($3,000) apprentice will receive subsidies accordingly.
With the subsidies being introduced after the 1st of July this year, there has never been a better time to take on a bricklaying apprentice, contact us today on 1300 66 44 to find out more!
Looking for a job in bricklaying