Streamlined Claims Process

Posted on May 26, 2021

ABBTF Brickstart Subsidy

What is ABBTF Brickstart Subsidy?

Australian Brick & Blocklaying Training Foundation Ltd (ABBTF) offers this Brickstart Subsidy of up to $1,000 per year to eligible Employers. The subsidy is payable at the successful completion of each year level over the first three years of the
apprentice’s term and reduces the ongoing costs of employing a bricklaying apprentice. ABBTF reserves the
right to withhold or reduce the subsidy if the employer is in breach of these terms and conditions.

What has changed and what do I need to know as an employer?

The payment of the ABBTF Brickstart Subsidy has now been automated. It will now be much easier for you to receive your payment.

  • Once your eligibility is confirmed, you will receive an email notification from
  • You will be required to reply within 30 days with your tax invoice attached (which must include your ABN and current banking details) for the claim amount of $1,000 or other amount as stated
    (+ GST if applicable).
  • You will receive an email confirmation when your Brickstart Subsidy payment has been processed. You can expect to receive these funds within the next 14 days of receipt of your tax invoice.

PLEASE NOTE: A claim form is no longer required to be completed.

If you have any questions, please contact your state based Industry Engagement Officer or call us on 1300 66 44 96.

Australian Brick & Blocklaying Training Foundation Limited