Try Our Trade

Try Bricklayin

Try-a-Trade Provides a Hands-on Experience

At an early stage in considering a trade, you naturally want to have a hands-on experience and speak with skilled trainers and tradespeople who know the industry and the career path open to you. They’ll share what’s great about the work and help you determine whether it’s right for you. Parents and guardians are very welcome to come along or contact these trade experts, to learn about various careers and the study options available in the local area.

This hands-on experience is available in different formats and settings which we discuss below. On the day, go prepared, do the online research at this website, including comparing pay rates and costs for trades vs. university. Think about the questions you’d like to ask, including whether there are bricklaying apprenticeship vacancies in your area. For specific details on how to Try-a-Trade in your State call us now on 1300 66 44 96.

A more intensive 5 to 10 day (approx.) Work Ready Program is also available in some States.

Where can I Try-a-Trade?

1. Selected Career Expo’s and Secondary Schools

A Try-a-Trade (TAT) experience at a large Careers Expo or a single School usually brings together a range of related trades so you can be hands-on with the tools and consider various job pathways. Or it might be a stand-alone display or marque at an event where you’re invited to try your hand at a particular trade. Outside the metropolitan area, a TAT can also be a large self-contained truck equipped with 12 interactive trade kits!

Most ABBTF State offices provide a free ‘Become a Bricklayer’ TAT experience at Career Expos and at Schools, from between 1 and 3 days, where you can attend for a short time or an extended time, depending on whether you’re with a school group or on your own time. Our ABBTF State offices organise for qualified trainers and bricklayers to attend these events and they provide bricks, mortar, trowels, levels, and so on to allow you to experience a ‘taste’ of our craft-based trade.

2. Training College Open Days

TAFE Colleges and other Registered Training Organisations (RTO) also offer a hands-on experience. They put their facilities on display at various times of the year, aiming to attract you to undertake courses with them. Visiting these learning centres on Open Day is a great way to build your information about the trade, the training environment and to meet the teachers who’d instruct you. ABBTF can help you find an employer. If you know which Training College you’d like to explore, call them up and find out when the next Open Day is – don’t wait till you’ve made up your mind.

The location of your closest TAFE/RTO Bricklaying training site is available here.

3. Step Out Programs Vic. and Tas.

‘Step Out Programs’ generally run for five days and are courses for secondary students in Years 10 or 11. They are usually held at TAFE colleges, where selected students receive an over-view of the bricklaying trade and how to lay bricks. If conducted at a school, students sometimes build a brick structure for the school grounds, such as a BBQ, walls or garden beds. These courses are currently only offered in Regional Victoria and Tasmania. A qualified bricklayer is funded by the ABBTF for the purpose of introducing the trade to students who have shown an interest in the craft.

These are the three main ways available to you to have a taste of bricklaying. You might also know of a bricklayer where you can do work experience over the holiday breaks from school but it’s wise to try one of the above formal approaches as well, to get a good overall picture of the industry.