NSW – Get your business the skilled apprentices it needs to succeed

Posted on Mar 10, 2020

Are you looking to sign-up an apprentice in 2020?

Do you know about the NSW government’s fee-free apprenticeship initiative?


Invest in your Business – hiring a bricklaying apprentice makes good business sense

  • It saves employers from having to pay up to $2,000 for training costs per apprentice
  • removes upfront fees for students (later reimbursed by employers)
  • improves living costs for apprentices by reducing potential debt.

This initiative ensures NSW has a strong pipeline of skilled workers for the local job market, enabling NSW businesses to adapt more readily to the changing economic environment and respond to future jobs needs.

Get your business the skilled apprentices it needs to succeed. Removing fees has made it easier for employers to hire apprentices and has encourage more people to take up apprenticeships.

The NSW Government will pay the up-to-$2000 course fee direct to the Smart and Skilled training provider. You can find more information regarding the grants here: https://www.business.gov.au/Grants-and-Programs/Fee-Free-Apprenticeships-NSW) .

Employers don’t have to pay for the qualification training for new apprentices.

Bricklayer Apprentice


In Australia’s current climate, apprenticeships are proving vital to employment rates and the construction industry. It is great to see the government supporting the youth to further their employment prospects. With the current shortage of qualified tradespeople throughout Australia, there has never been a better time to hire an apprentice, contact ABBTF for more info on incentives and get started.

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